четверг, 7 октября 2010 г.

The 90 anniversary of defeat Bukhara emirate

Exactly 90 years ago the Soviet armies under legendary Michael Frunze's command took storm Bukhara - capital Bukhara emirate. In the history of the USSR it there was one of heroic feats on liquidation of the centers of medieval feudalism in Central Asia, and begun after capture of Bukhara local population revolts named movement basmach's. However from height of our days, and especially opened documents of that epoch, all this history looks a little differently.

By the time of employment of territory of Central Asia by the Russian empire Bukhara emirate was one of three large states existing here. Others two were the Khivan khanate located in lower reaches of Amu Darya, on territories of historical Khoresm, and also the Kokandsky khanate which center was in Fergana valley.


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