суббота, 29 апреля 2023 г.

Clowns in chapan and turban

Clowns in chapan and turban
 In our republic there is a wonderful newspaper "ZP", where everything that is not published anywhere is printed here.  It attracts articles and speeches by representatives of our so-called clergy.  Take, for example, an article by Farid Salman.  Intellectual exposure of the activities of V. Yakupov.  Yes, I agree.  That in the early 90s it was V. Yakupov who began to print the literature that is now called extremist.  But who then knew what kind of literature.  It was printed not only, it was printed in Moscow and St. Petersburg and Grozny and Dagestan, etc.  Another thing is that V. Yakupov printed not only this literature, but also other literature translated from Arabic, English and Tatar.  And how many books of our scientists, historians, philologists, philosophers and political scientists.  It's hard to count.  Our intelligentsia is indebted to V. Yakupov.  Not a single mullah, including Farid Salman, has published so much literature.  The fact that the muftiate is going on is the fault not only of V. Yakupov, but above all of all the mullahs who understand this and do nothing.
 Another funny scribble is the appeal of the Zakamsky pseudo-Muslim clergy.  The general line of the letter is V. Yakupov's accusation of the methods of the Inquisition.  Apparently, these figures have forgotten that their owners from Saudi Arabia not only burn books, but also wiped monuments of architecture from the face of the earth.  And during the Hajj, people were beaten with sticks during the performance of giybadat.  I am already silent about the massacre during the capture of Mecca.  The reason for this was dissent.  When it is necessary to beat strangers, then this is within the framework of the law and Sharia.  And how to burn the books of their scientists is already fascism and the Inquisition.  And the funny thing is that the well-known Mrs. Bayramova is the main expert.

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